January 27, 2012

Staple Breakfast Smoothie

Today I was supposed to leave for a mini vacation to my family's beach house north of Sydney, near the Queensland border. I had plans with friends for each day I was there.
Unfortunately the majority were coming from QLD and due to the massive amount of rain the east coast has had over the past few days, many of the roads are flooded, including the highway at the QLD/NSW border.
Yesterday, I canceled my flight, and the dog sitter, and will have a re-do over Easter.

I subjected you to this because it has bearing on what I have left to eat in my fridge. Because I thought I was going away, I'd made sure to buy pretty much exactly what I'd need up until this morning and the kale I still had a couple of days ago, has now been dehydrated.

So, for breakfast today, I didn't have enough vegetables to juice, so I made a smoothie...no fresh ingredients, but I have enough in my fridge and pantry to make something extra healthy and still be delicious.
These are a few of my favorite things

 In this morning's smoothie went...
1 cup of filtered water
1 frozen banana
1 tbs of chia seeds (which are soaking under the bananas in the photo)
A small handful of cashews
1 tsp of maqui powder

I don't expect everyone to have even half of the foods I call my staples. These are things I always have on hand and add something to most of what I eat.

Chia seeds are packed with Omega-3s, something the human body is unable to produce. They are essential for normal development, brain function and growth. Omega-3 oil is commonly found in fish/fish oil, but I don't eat much meat any more and keep forgetting to take my fish oil capsules, so adding chia seeds to at least one meal a day works for me.
Also, they're great for vegans.

Cashews are great for making nut milk because they're easily ground up. They have a lower fat content than most other nuts and a very high content of magnesium, which regulates nerve and muscle tone.

Maqui Berry Powder has quite a tart taste, but I love it. Maqui berries are considered the highest anti-oxidant whole food on Earth. They have other properties, but knowing I'm getting even that one benefit, is enough for me to add it to my "food staples" list.

Do you have staples you can't be without in your kitchen?

N x

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