February 13, 2012

ch ch ch chia seeds

Chia is a seed that comes from southern Mexico.
It's very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Chia seeds also provide fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. All that in one teeny tiy seed.

The best way to eat chia seeds is to soak them first. There are no preparation instructions on the packet...any packet that I've looked at. If you consume them "raw" and don't have enough liquid in your stomach (a lot of people don't drink enough water), they will go straight through you,  canceling out their nutritional value.

A serve is about ONE tablespoon. It won't look like it's enough, but chia seeds absorb ten times their weight in liquid. Soak them for about 15 minutes, then stir, getting rid of the clumps and soak for another thirty minutes. If all the liquid has been absorbed before the second soak, add a bit more.

I use one or a mixture of the following:
filtered water
coconut water
almond or cashew milk

Then I add a couple of these:
cut up banana
goji berries
cacao nibs

They can be soaked overnight, so you're breakfast is just about made and there's no rushing in the morning.
If you want a smoothie, start the same way. One cup of liquid, soaked chia seeds, frozen banana, cacao powder, berries....drink

I used a handful of cashews, cup of filtered water, frozen banana & maqui powder

Have you tried chia seeds? How do you eat them?

N x