At a seminar a few weekends ago, a lady introduced herself to me during one of the breaks. She walked with a walking stick and had a noticeable limp. This woman was very chatty and without really asking, she told us she has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), diabetes, she's overweight and some other ailment that escapes me right now. She said she's been trying a lot of alternative medicine. By alternative medicine, she meant she goes to numerous health, healthy living, healthy body/mind seminars.
All the snacks for the conference were provided by Lettuce Deliver...a service that delivers organic produce to your door. Needless to say, all the fruit, cookies, dips and crackers were certified organic.
My new friend, let's call her Susan,was poo pooing the food...not the food so much, more the fact it was organic. She let lose on me, saying that she doesn't believe any food is actually organic, and what does it *really* mean anyway and why should she have to pay more for it and really, it makes no difference to her so she buys her fruit and vegetables at the supermarket. She then takes her conventional food home...the food that's been grown and sprayed with hormones and pesticides and before she eats it...and says a prayer over it...and that, to her, makes the chemicals she's about to ingest, disappear.
I explained the organic certification that farms need is expensive, so the farmers pass the cost onto the consumer. This is why I look for pesticide free rather than organic. It's exactly the same principle, but there's a big difference in the cost. She poo pooed that also.
I decided she probably wouldn't like me asking whether she thinks her ailments would be helped by eating less hormones, pesticides and chemicals, so I took a breath and excused myself...
"Oh, look, someone I need to speak to..."